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Number of vocabulary: 11
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オアシス oašisu oasisshizen
服従 fukudžuu obedience, submission, resignationsuru
率直な soččokuna obedientadj, emo
従順 džuudžun obedient, gentle, meek, submissive, docilemix
帯祭 obimacuri Obi sash festivalkami
客体 kakutai; kjakutai object; objectmix
客観的 kjakkanteki objectivemix
オーボエ o-boe oboe (ita:)ongaku
漠然 bakuzen obscure, vague, equivocalmix
観察 kansacu observation, surveysuru
黒曜石 kokujouseki obsidianmix
支障 šišou obstacle, hindrance, impediment, difficultymix
じゃま džama obstacle, intrusionjlpt4
入手 njuušu obtaining, coming to handsuru
明らか akiraka obvious, evident, clear, plainmix
自明 džimei obvious, self-evident, trivial, axiomatic, self-explanatorymix
たまに tamani occasionallyjlpt4, toki
職業 šokugjou occupation, businessmix
海洋 kaijou oceanmix
大洋州 taijoušuu Oceania, Pacific Ocean countriesmix
tako octopusdoubutsu
タコ tako octopusdoubutsu
織田信長 odanobunaga Oda Nobunaga (daimyo from Sengoku period)sensou
雑用 zacujou odd jobs, miscellaneous, other, etc.mix
奇数 kisuu odd numbermath
もちろん močiron of course, certainly, naturallyjlpt3, jlpt5
非番 hiban off dutymix
犯人 hannin offender, criminaljlpt3
提供 teikjou offer, tender, program sponsoring, programme sponsoring, furnishing, provisioning, supplysuru
具申 gušin offering a full report to a superiorsuru
供物 kumocu offering; offeringmix
事務所 džimušo officejlpt4
オフィス ofuィsu officejlpt3
会社員 kaišain office workershigoto
係員 kakariin official (e.g. customs), clerk in chargemix
公表 kouhjou official announcement, proclamationsuru
出張 šuččou official tour/business trip/(P)shigoto
kakari official, duty, person in chargemix
おや oja ohjlpt4
abura oilryouri
原油 gen'ju oilkagaku
オイル oiru oilkagaku
油絵 aburae oil painting
油田 juden oilfieldleda1
淤加美神 okaminokami Okami no kami, dragon, deity of rain and snowkami
okami Okami, dragon, deity of rain and snowkami
岡山県 okajamaken Okayama prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
沖縄 okinawa Okinawa (one of the Japanese Ryukyu islands)mix
沖縄県 okinawaken Okinawa prefecture (including Okinawa island)namae
古い furui old (not person), ancient, staleadj, jlpt5, leda1
老後 rougo old agemix
古典 koten old book, classics, classicmix
古風 kofuu old customs/old style/(P)adj, leda1
宿敵 šukuteki old enemy, longtime enemy, arch-enemy, traditional rival, longstanding foemix
御所 gošo old imperial palacemix
古曲 kokjoku old musicongaku
古老 korou old people, seniors, elders, old-timermix
高齢者 koureiša old person or peoplejlpt3
mukaši old time, before, agojlpt4, toki
年上 tošiue older (for people)jlpt3, mix
ane older sisterjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
縁起 engi omenkami
幸先 saisaki omen, sign (usually good)mix
不吉 fukicu ominous, sinister, bad luck, ill omen, inauspiciousnessmix
省略 šourjaku omission, abbreviation, abridgment, abridgementjlpt3, suru
脱字 dacudži omitted word or charactermix
雑食動物 zatšokudoubucu omnivoredoubutsu
思兼 omoikane Omoikane, deity of wisdom and intelligencekami
出張中 šuččoučuu on a business tripshigoto
以降 ikou on and after, as from, hereafter, thereafter, sincemix
仲が悪い nakagawarui on bad terms, at loggerheadsmix
近日発売 kindžicuhacubai on sale soon, coming soonmix
一方で ippoude on the other handmix
反面 hanmen on the other hand/(P)leda1
表面的 hjoumenteki on the surfacemix
途中 točuu on the wayjlpt4
一度 ičido once, on one occasionjlpt4, toki
iči onejlpt5
一つ hitocu onejlpt5
逐一 čikuiči one by one, in detail, minutely; one by one, in detail, minutelymix
次々に cugicugini one by one, one after another, successivelyjlpt3
一次元 ičidžigen one dimensionalmath
片目 katame one eye; (uk) (sens) blindness in one eye, having one eye much bigger than the other, someone blind in one eye, someone with one eye much bigger than the othermix
~局 kjoku one game (checkers, etc.)counter
片足 kataaši one leg, one-leggedmix
一畳 ičidžou one matuchi
一月 hitocuki one monthjlpt5, toki
一ヶ月 ikkagecu one monthtoki
一人 hitori one personjlpt5
一秒 ičibjou one secondmix
hokori one ten-billionth; dustmix
片道券 katamičiken one way ticketryokou
一言 hitokoto one word, pair of words (short intercession)leda1
片道 katamiči one-way (trip)ryokou
享年 kjounen one's age at deathmix
念願 nengan one's heart's desire, earnest petitionsuru
自宅 džitaku one's homemix
生涯 šougai one's lifetime (i.e. one's existence until death), one's careermix
出身校 šutšinkou one's old school or university, alma mater, the school or university one attendedmix
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