
首席 しゅせき (1)head/chief/ (2)top student/head of the class/ (3)top seat/first desk (in orchestra)/(P) adj, leda1
neck, counter for songs and poems
Readings: シュ, くび, おびと, こべ, す
Main radical: 首 (185) Strokes: 9 picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
seat, mat, occasion, place
Readings: セキ, むしろ
Main radical: 巾 (50) Strokes: 10 picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

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足首 あしくび anklehito, leda1
首都 しゅと capital city/metropolis/(P)adj, leda1
首位 しゅい first place/head position/leading position/(P)adj, leda1
くび neckhito, jlpt4, leda1
首飾り くびかざり necklacefuku, leda1
首輪 くびわ necklace/chokerleda1
新首相 しんしゅしょう new prime ministermix
乳首 ちくび nipplehito
首相 しゅしょう Prime Minister/Chancellor (Germany, Austria, etc.)/Premier/(P)leda1
部首 ぶしゅ radical (of a kanji character)bunpou
元首 げんしゅ ruler/sovereign/(P)leda1
手首 てくび wristhito, leda1
Premiér řekl, že peníze nestačí.mix
Na krku má pověšený klíč.byousha1
Lízej mi bradavky.ai, baka