
kage shadowmix

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陰影 in'ei (1)shadow, gloom, (2)shading, hatch, hatching emo
お陰 okage (your) backing, assistance, thanks or owing tomix
陰謀説 inbousetsu conspiracy theorymix
陰陽 in'you cosmic dual forces, yin and yang, sun and moon, etc.; cosmic dual forces, yin and yang, sun and moon, etc.; cosmic dual forces, yin and yang, sun and moon, etc.mix
陰関数 inkansuu implicit functionmath
陰阜 inbu inbu
太陰暦 taiinreki lunar calendarmix
陰口 kageguchi malicious gossip, backbiting, speaking ill behind someone's backkaiwa
陰茎 inkei penishito
陰謀 inbou plot intrigue, conspiracymix
陰毛 inmou pubic hairmix
岩陰 iwakage shade of a rockleda1
木陰 kokage shadow of a treeleda1