
引く hiku minus, -jlpt3, math
pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to
Readings: in, hi.ku, hi.ki, hi.ki-, -b...
Main radical: 弓 (57) Strokes: 4 picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

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鉤括弧エー引くビー鉤括弧閉じる kagikakkoe-hikubi-kagikakkotojiru [ A - B ]math
エー引くビー e-hikubi- A-Bmath
エー引くビー引くシー e-hikubi-hikushi- A-B-Cmath
引く hiku minus, to pull, to draw, to play (string instr.)godan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans, vtrans
注意を引く chuuiwohiku to attract attentiongodan, verb
これを引くと、水が出ます。 kore wo hiku to,mizu ga demasu. Když za tohle zatáhneš, začne téct voda.mix