
薄い うすい thin,weakadj, jlpt3, jlpt5
dilute, thin, weak (tea)
Readings: ハク, うす.い, うす-, -うす, うす.める, う...
Main radical: 艸 (140) Strokes: 16 picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

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薄弱な はくじゃくな slabýmix
薄情な はくじょうな bezcitný, chladnýmix
軽薄な けいはくな lehkovážný, povrchnímix
薄幸な はっこうな nešťastný, smolnýmix
浅薄な せんぱくな povrchní, chatrnýmix
薄着 うすぎ lightly dressedsuru
品薄 しなうす shortage of stock, scarcity of goodsmix
希薄 きはく thin (e.g. air), lean, rarified, diluted, sparse, weak, rarefiedmix
薄切り うすぎり thin slice, slicing thinmix
薄らぐ うすらぐ to become thin, to fade, to grow palegodan, verb, vintrans
薄まる うすまる to become weakgodan, verb, vintrans
薄める うすめる to dilute, to water downichidan, verb, vtrans
薄れる うすれる to fade, to become dimadj, ichidan, verb, vintrans
Makeup je slabý (nevýrazný).mix