
(1)section (i.e. of text), sentence, passage, paragraph, (2)(ling) phrase, (3)verse (of 5 or 7 mora in Japanese poetry; of 4, 5, or 7 characters in Chinese poetry), (4)haiku, first 17 morae of a r mix

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文句 もんく stížnost, reptáníjlpt3, leda1
句動詞 くどうし (ling) phrasal verbbunpou
句読点 くとうてん (ling) punctuation mark, punctuation marksbunpou
引用句 いんようく (ling) quotationbunpou
句集 くしゅう collection of haiku poemsmix
俳句 はいく haiku poetry (17-syllable poem usually in 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables)mix
慣用句 かんようく idiomatic usage, common usagemix
句点 くてん period, full stopmix
禁句 きんく taboo wordmix
詩句 しく versemix