
厚生 こうせい (1)welfare, public welfare, social welfare, (2)(abbr) (former) Ministry of Health and Welfare mix
life, genuine, birth
Readings: セイ, ショウ, い.きる, い.かす, い.ける, う...
Main radical: 生 (100) Strokes: 5 picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shamele...
Readings: コウ, あつ.い, あか, あ, あっ
Main radical: 厂 (27) Strokes: 9 picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

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厚生省 こうせいしょう Ministry of Health and Welfare (now Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)mix