
建て tate (1)indicates storeys, structures, or materials used in a building, (2)indicates denomination (after a currency) mix
Readings: ken, kon, ta.teru, ta.te, -d...
Main radical: 廴 (54) Strokes: 9 picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)

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建てる tateru to buildichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
二階建て nikaidate two storiedjlpt4
家を建てるため、私と建築家は沢山のやり取りをしました。 ie wo tateru tame,wataši to kenčikuka ha takusan no jaritori wo šimašita. Kvůli stavbě domu jsme s architektem hodně komunikovali.mix