
Date and time of registration: 2013-02-11 15:17:08
Number of learnt characters: 1
Learnt characters: graph | list | without examples | detailed
Kanji test: kanji test | meaning test | Results
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning

Learnt characters

tree, wood
ボク, モク, き, こ-, ぐ, も, もと
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Strokes: 4 Jouyou: 1 JIS: 19546
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
木立 こだち les, háj, skupinka stromůleda1, shizen
雑木林 ぞうきばやし houštinaleda1
鈴木 すずき Suzukinamae
木馬 もくば (1)wooden horse/rocking horse/ (2)vaulting horse/horse used in gymnastics/ (3)the horse (ancient torture device that one was forced to straddle with rocks hanging from the feet) leda1
木に縁って魚を求む きによってうおをもとむ (id) to be unable to accomplish something because one has chosen the wrong method, to ask for the impossible, to look for fish by climbing a tree (Mencius)baka
大木 たいぼく big treeleda1, shizen
木炭 もくたん charcoalmix
栗の木 くりのき chestnutshokubutsu
木綿 もめん cottonjlpt4, shokubutsu
神木 しんぼく divine treekami
丸木舟 まるきぶね dugout canoemix
植木鉢 うえきばち flowerpot
植木 うえき garden shrubs, trees, potted plantmix
木星 もくせい Jupiter (planet)/(P)leda1
木花之開耶姫 このはなさくやひめ Konohanasakuya hime, goddess of Mount Fujikami
木質化 もくしつか lignificationsuru
丸木 まるき logleda1, mix
丸木橋 まるきばし log bridgeleda1
材木 ざいもく lumberleda1
泰山木 たいさんぼく magnoliashokubutsu
木ノ実 きのみ nutsryouri, shokubutsu
草木 くさき plants/vegetation/(P)leda1
土木 どぼく public worksmix
木苺 きいちご raspberryryouri, shokubutsu
並木 なみき row of treesleda1, shizen
苗木 なえぎ seedling, sapling, young treemix
木陰 こかげ shadow of a treeleda1
木曜日 もくようび Thursdayjlpt5
栃木県 とちぎけん Tochigi prefecture (Kantou area)namae
木の枝 きのえだ tree branchleda1, shizen
木の葉 このは tree leafleda1, shizen
tree, woodjlpt5, shokubutsu
クルミの木 クルミのき walnutshokubutsu
木材 もくざい woodleda1, shizen
木質繊維 もくしつせんい wood fiber, wood fibremix
木刀 ぼくとう wooden swordleda1, sensou
木食い虫 きくいむし woodwormdoubutsu
木質 もくしつ woody, ligneousmix
Kamarád je vysoký jako strom.mix
Můžete přijít příští čtvrtek na vyučování?gakkou
Pan Suzuki půjčil panu Tanakovi knihu.mix
Pan Kimura mi nakreslil mapu.mix
Strom spadl kvůli tajfunu.mix
even monkeys fall from trees, anyone can make a mistake, pride comes before a fall, even Homer sometimes nodsichidan, verb
Suzuki-san treated me the other day.mix