
Date and time of registration: 2012-08-29 11:35:54
Number of learnt characters: 2992
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Strokes: 12

throat, voice
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: コウ, のど
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
scenery, view
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: ケイ, かげ
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awe, respect, honor, revere
Main radical: 支 (66) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: ケイ, キョウ, うやま.う, け, たか, たかし, たけ, とし, のり, ひろ, ゆき, よし
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
corner, nook, recess
Main radical: 阜 (170) Radicals:
Readings: ワイ, エ, くま, すみ
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corner, nook
Main radical: 阜 (170) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: グウ, すみ
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interview, treat, entertain, receive, deal with
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: グウ, あ.う
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temporary abode, keep, imply, suggest
Main radical: 宀 (40) Radicals:
Readings: グウ, グ, ドウ, ぐう.する, かこつ.ける, よ.せる, よ.る, かりずまい
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eat, drink, receive (a blow), (kokuji)
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals:
Readings: く.う, く.らう, じき
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muscle, sinew, tendon, fiber, plot, plan, descent
Main radical: 竹 (118) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: キン, すじ
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harp, koto
Main radical: 玉 (96) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: キン, こと
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respect, revere, long for
Main radical: 欠 (76) Radicals: Jouyou: 9
Readings: キン, コン, つつし.む, よし, ひとし
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lightly, trifling, unimportant
Main radical: 車 (159) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: ケイ, かる.い, かろ.やか, かろ.んじる
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halbert, arms
Main radical: 戈 (62) Radicals:
Readings: ゲキ, ほこ
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tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten
Main radical: 糸 (120) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: ケツ, ケチ, むす.ぶ, ゆ.う, ゆ.わえる, ゆい, ゆう
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honorable, manipulate, govern
Main radical: 彳 (60) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: ギョ, ゴ, おん-, お-, み-, う
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employ, hire
Main radical: 隹 (172) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: コ, やと.う
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Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: コ, みずうみ, うみ, み
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dwindle, decrease, reduce, decline, curtail, get hungry
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals: Jouyou: 5
Readings: ゲン, へ.る, へ.らす
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Main radical: 石 (112) Radicals:
Readings: ケン, ゲン, すずり
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examination, investigate
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals: Jouyou: 5
Readings: ケン, しら.べる
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roll, wind, coil, turn pages, roll up sleeves, strip off, be turned, be rolled up
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Readings: ケン, ま.く, ま.くる, まく.る, めく.る, まく.れる
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
strict, hard, solid, tough, tight, reliable
Main radical: 土 (32) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: ケン, かた.い, -がた.い, きん
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
sphere, circle, radius, range
Main radical: 囗 (31) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: ケン, かこ.い
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noisy, boisterous
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals:
Readings: ケン, やかま.しい, かまびす.しい
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diligence, become employed, serve
Main radical: 力 (19) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: キン, ゴン, つと.める, -づと.め, つと.まる, いそ.しむ
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
a wee bit
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: キン, ゴン, わずか
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brandish, wave, wag, swing, shake
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: キ, ふる.う
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how many, how much, how far, how long
Main radical: 幺 (52) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: キ, いく-, いく.つ, いく.ら, い, く
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rejoice, take pleasure in
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: キ, よろこ.ぶ, よろこ.ばす, あき, きゅ, のぶ, ゆき, よし
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
wild goose
Main radical: 厂 (27) Radicals:
Readings: ガン, かり, かりがね
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Main radical: 門 (169) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: カン, が, より
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
interval, space
Main radical: 門 (169) Radicals: Jouyou: 2
Readings: カン, ケン, あいだ, ま, あい
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
goodwill, article, section, friendship, collusion
Main radical: 欠 (76) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: カン, まさ
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coffin, casket
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: カン
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daring, sad, tragic, pitiful, frail, feeble
Main radical: 支 (66) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: カン, あ.えて, あ.えない, あ.えず
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
interchange, period, charge, change
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: カン, か.える, -か.える, か.わる
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
period, time, date, term
Main radical: 月 (74) Radicals: Jouyou: 3
Readings: キ, ゴ
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chess piece, Japanese chess, shogi
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: キ, ご
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rare, phenomenal, dilute (acid)
Main radical: 禾 (115) Radicals: Jouyou: 9
Readings: キ, ケ, まれ, まばら
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
daybreak, dawn, in the event
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: ギョウ, キョウ, あかつき, さと.る, あき, あきら, あけ, さと, さとる, てる
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
high, boasting
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 9
Readings: キョウ, たか.い, たかし, たか
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
you, lord, secretary, state minister
Main radical: 卩 (26) Radicals:
Readings: ケイ, キョウ, きみ
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Main radical: 足 (157) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: キョ, へだ.たる
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ditch, canal, lock
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Readings: キョ, かれ, なんぞ, なに, みぞ, いずくんぞ, だかり
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
salary, wage, gift, allow, grant, bestow on
Main radical: 糸 (120) Radicals: Jouyou: 4
Readings: キュウ, たま.う, たも.う, -たま.え, きい
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Main radical: 黍 (202) Radicals:
Readings: ショ, きび
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consume, eat, drink, smoke, receive (a blow)
Main radical: 口 (30) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: キツ
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deceit, cheat, delude
Main radical: 欠 (76) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: ギ, あざむ.く
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precious, value, prize, esteem, honor
Main radical: 貝 (154) Radicals: Jouyou: 6
Readings: キ, たっと.い, とうと.い, たっと.ぶ, とうと.ぶ, きよ, ぎ, たか, たかし, よし
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
withstand, endure, support, resist
Main radical: 土 (32) Radicals: Jouyou: 8
Readings: カン, タン, た.える, たま.る, こ.らえる, こた.える
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