Strokes: jouyou grade: not only common chars:
leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, counter for flat things, fragment, piece
ヨウ, は, よ, わ
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals:
Z variant: 葉 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 12 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 19797
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
早口言葉 はやくちことば jazykolamleda1
青葉 あおば svěží zelené listíleda1, shizen
紅葉 もみじ (1)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (2)leaves turning red, red leaves; (3)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (n) (4)(Japanese) maple (Acer jap suru
紅葉 こうよう (1)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (2)leaves turning red, red leaves; (3)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (n) (4)(Japanese) maple (Acer jap suru
秋葉原 あきはばら Akihabaranamae
葉蘭 はちん aspidistrashokubutsu
紅葉狩 もみじがり autumn leaves viewingshizen
千葉県 ちばけん Chiba prefecture (Kantou area)namae
葉緑素 ようりょくそ chlorophylmix
葉緑体 ようりょくたい chloroplastmix
針葉樹 しんようじゅ conifer, needle-leaved treemix
万葉仮名 まんようがな early Japanese syllabary composed of Chinese characters used phoneticallybunpou
落ち葉 おちば fallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leavessuru
葉酸 ようさん folic acidkagaku
滑稽な言葉 こっけい な ことば funny wordsmix
葉身 ようしん lamina (blade)shokubutsu
leafjlpt4, shokubutsu
葉柄 ようへい petiole (stalk)shokubutsu
葉書 はがき postcardjlpt3, jlpt5
絵葉書 えはがき postcardryokou
木の葉 このは tree leafleda1, shizen
色々な言葉 いろいろ な ことば various wordsmix
言葉 ことば word(s), phrase, language, speechjlpt5, leda1
褒め言葉 ほめことば words of praise, eulogy, complimentmix
Vysvětlil jsem slečně Karině význam slova.mix
Často cestuje a rád sbírá pohlednice.byousha1
to be at a loss for wordsgodan, verb