Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
かみ paperjlpt5
背く そむく to run counter to, to go against, to disobey, to infringegodan, verb, vintrans
思いやる おもいやる to be considerate, to sympathize with, to sympathise withgodan, jlpt3, verb
考古学 こうこがく archaeology, archeologymix
転校 てんこう change schoolssuru
何時 いつ whenjlpt5
有利 ゆうり advantageous, better, profitable, lucrativemix
始まる はじまる to begingodan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
文明 ぶんめい (1)civilization, civilisation, culture, (2)Bummei era (1469.4.28-1487.7.20) mix
行間 ぎょうかん line-spacing in text, between the linesmix
初めに はじめに in the beginning, at firstjlpt5
Rozprostřela látku na stůl.mix
一生 いっしょう celý životjlpt3, leda1
初め はじめ beginningmix
手当て てあて ošetření (lékařské)byouki, leda1