Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji いちじ(の) first/primary/linear (equation)/first-order
kanji てにする (1)to hold (in one's hand), to take (into one's hand), (2)to own, to obtain
kanji きもち feelings
kanji ~かい (first, second, etc.) time, round
kanji きんねん recent years
kanji きみ が わるい と あかずきんちゃん が おもいました が、おばあちゃん に ちかづきました。 To je divné, pomyslela si Červená karkulka, ale přesto se přiblížila k babičce.
kanji かいむ nothing
kanji くすりをのむ take medicine
kanji むもう hairless
kanji しきょ death
kanji レンタル りょう nájemné, poplatek za výpůjčku
kanji ききとり náslech, poslech
kanji しゅっけつ bleeding/haemorrhage/hemorrhage/(P)
kanji かんぬし Shinto priest
kanji まもなく しあい が はじまる。 The game will be started soon.
kanji やくみ condiment (e.g. grated or chopped topping such as daikon, wasabi, ginger, green onion, red pepper), spice
kanji けいと knitting wool
kanji ~か the family
kanji うんどう exercise, sport
kanji しゅっしんち birthplace, native place
kanji といや; とんや wholesale store; wholesale store
kanji こぶね boat, small craft
kanji すく to like/to love/to be fond of
kanji なのはな rape (flower)
kanji あつまり gathering, meeting, assembly, collection