Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
青い月 aoicuki bledý měsícleda1, shizen
koku (1)measure of volume (approx. 180.39 liters, 6.37 cub. ft.)/ (2)measure of a Japanese-style boat's loading capacity (approx. 278.26 liters)/(P) leda1
活け花 ikebana flower arrangementmix
上手く umaku (1)skilfully, skillfully, well, aptly, cleverly, (2)successfully, smoothly, (3)deliciously mix
本名 honmei real name; real namemix
年上 tošiue older (for people)jlpt3, mix
火口 higuči hořákleda1
玉じゃくし tamadžakuši ladleryouri
九日 kokonoka nine days, the ninth day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
竹やぶ takejabu bamboo grovemix