Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji しろ (1)substitution, (2)material, (3)price, (4)margin (e.g. for stapling, etc.), area required for something, (5)(arch) shiro (unit of land area equal to one-fiftieth of a tan; ~19.83 m.sq.); (6)cha
kanji くも cloud
kanji eye, eyeball
kanji ちり geography, geographical features
kanji いそがなくて も いい です。 Nemusíš pospíchat.
kanji しろくろ (1)black and white, monochrome, (exp,vs) (2)good and evil, right and wrong, guilt and innocence
kanji やっつ eight
kanji かん sufix pro dobu trvání
kanji こい に おちる fall in love
kanji いっかげつ one month
kanji ねんきん annuity, pension
kanji (1)substitution, (2)material, (3)price, (4)margin (e.g. for stapling, etc.), area required for something, (5)(arch) shiro (unit of land area equal to one-fiftieth of a tan; ~19.83 m.sq.); (6)cha
kanji また あえる と うれしい。 Budu moc rád, kdybychom se zase viděli.
kanji した tongue
kanji いえ house, home
kanji たこく foreign country/another province/(P)
kanji ゆみなり ohyb, oblouk
kanji たいぼく big tree
kanji いちがつ january
kanji バス りょうきん は いくら ですか。 Kolik je jízdné v autobuse?
kanji しちじ 7 o'clock
kanji はやびけ leaving work (office, school) early
kanji さげる to hang, to let down
kanji だいのじに sprawled, spread-eagled, in the shape of the "dai" kanji
kanji あいだ a space