Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read
Mami, můžu jít pít pivo?ryouri
Potom jsem sám vypil litr sake.baka
Ve městě jsem zahlédl učitele.mix
Když nastane ráno, lidé vstávají.mix
Až se vrátím domů, budu se učit.mix
Děláš si starosti, co řeknou sousedi?mix
Vysvětlil jsem slečně Karině význam slova.mix
Tento měsíc mám jen 1000 jenů, ale musím si s tím vystačit.mix
Když za tohle zatáhneš, začne téct voda.mix
Až se vrátím domů, rozdám si to s přítelkyní.ai, baka
Pan Kimura mi nakreslil mapu.mix
Máte jídlo bez masa a ryb?mix
As I left the brothel, I was embarrassed to be seen by my friends.baka
Could you tell me how to read it?mix
Do you have a girlfriend?ai
Do you like to make love in the morning?ai, baka
How big is your 'package'?ai, baka
How is the weather? tenki
I don't want to hear another word out of you.mix
I have decided not to study tonight.gakkou
I want to go to date with you.ai
I want to have sex with you.ai
I want you to eat my meal.ryouri
I was ordered by my teacher to study.gakkou
I was playing games the whole day.mix
I'm student of collage.kaiwa
It is not a compliment.mix
keep up your strength, chin up!kaiwa
seeing is believing, one eye-witness is better than many hearsays, a picture is worth a thousand wordskaiwa
Sitting over my book, I fell asleep.mix
Take care of your self. (for sick or injured person)byouki, jlpt4
Thank you for all your hard work.kaiwa
The game will be started soon.sport
The weather is nice. tenki
Would you like a little more?ryouri