Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ついたち first day of month
kanji さつ (1)token, label, (2)ticket, card, (3)charm, talisman
kanji とお 10, ten
kanji おやつ snack
kanji とおか ten days, the tenth day of the month
kanji ねずみ (1)mouse, rat, (2)dark gray, dark grey, slate (color, colour); (3)mouse, rat, (4)dark gray, dark grey, slate (color, colour)
kanji じゅうよん 14
kanji あかつち red soil
kanji ふつか second day of the month, two days
kanji あかみ reddish tinge/tinge of red/slight redness/blush
kanji ~にち day (of the month)
kanji ここのつ nine
kanji fire
kanji ななつ seven
kanji ときん Promoted pawn ("tokin")
kanji みどり green
kanji ろくまんえん も したよ。 Stálo to celých 60 000 jenů.
kanji みっか three days, the third day of the month
kanji おかね money
kanji きんメダル gold medal
kanji いちがつ january
kanji どにち weekend, Saturday and Sunday
kanji せんちょう trilión
kanji ふたつ two
kanji しろくろ (1)black and white, monochrome, (exp,vs) (2)good and evil, right and wrong, guilt and innocence