Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
金魚 kingjo goldfishdoubutsu, leda1
misaki capeshizen
学期 gakki semestergakkou
tada onlyjlpt3
繊維 sen'i fibre, fiber, textilemix
辞書 džišo dictionary, lexiconjlpt5
包む cucumu to wrap, to packgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
関西地方 kansaičihou Kansai region (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka)namae
水神 suidžin Suijin, water godkami, leda1
比例 hirei proportionsuru
非番 hiban off dutymix
耐久性 taikjuusei durabilitymix
お元気ですか。 o genki desu ka. Máš se dobře?kaiwa
犯人を捕まえる。 hannin wo cukama eru. Chytit zločince.mix
džuku coaching school, cramming school, jukugakkou
居る iru to be (animate)ichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
自己主張 džikošučou self-assertionmix
超伝導 čoudendou superconductivity, super-conductivityichidan, suru, verb, vtrans
亘る wataru (1)to cross over, to go across, (2)to extend, to cover, to range, to span godan, verb, vintrans
元素 genso chemical elementmix
八日 jouka eight days, the eighth (day of the month)jlpt5, toki
氷河 hjouga glaciershizen, tenki
教科書 kjoukašo textbookgakkou, leda1
原料 genrjou raw materials/(P)leda1
花屋 hanaja floristmise
文部科学省 monbukagakušou Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, MEXTmix
月末 gecumacu end of the month; end of the monthmix
醜い minikui uglyadj
区画 kukaku dělení, rozděleníleda1