Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji なまビール draft beer
kanji しろワイン white wine
kanji イギリスじん Englishman, Englishwoman
kanji どの ひと který člověk
kanji ちんちん の おおきさ は どの くらい? How big is your 'package'?
kanji じゅう (num) 10, ten
kanji いれる to put in, to take in, to bring in, to let in
kanji ちから strength, power
kanji ひとり one person
kanji おやつ snack
kanji はいる to enter, to join, to contain
kanji とお 10, ten
kanji はち eight
kanji はえる (1)to grow, to spring up, (2)to cut (teeth)
kanji ~にん ~person, counter for people
kanji いつつ five
kanji いろ color
kanji やま mountain, pile, heap, climax, critical point
kanji はやす to grow, to cultivate, to wear a beard
kanji おなじ; おなじく; くりかえし; どうのじてん; のま množné číslo (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (jen výjmečně)
kanji ふたり two persons, two people, pair, couple
kanji おおきな big, large
kanji (num) five
kanji うむ to give birth, to deliver, to produce
kanji くく násobilka