Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
一口 ひとくち (1)mouthful, bite, sip, draft, draught, (2)one word mix
大きな おおきな big, largeadj, jlpt4
小さな ちいさな smalladj, jlpt4
二人 ふたり two persons, two people, pair, couplejlpt5
入り口 いりぐち vchod, vjezdleda1
女の子 おんなのこ girlhito, jlpt5
大ヒット だいヒット big hit, popular item (e.g. movie, music)ongaku
小テスト しょうテスト quiz, small testmix
やま mountain, pile, heap, climax, critical pointjlpt5, shizen
手がかり てがかり (1)clue, key, trail, scent, track, contact, (2)handhold, on hand mix
Vystoupat na horu.mix
女々しい めめしい zženštilý, změkčilýmix
うえ above, on top of, up, upper part, surfacejlpt5
上る のぼる (1)to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised, (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in, (3)to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade, (4)to get out (of water), t godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
二つ ふたつ twojlpt5