Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
気さくな kisakuna frankadj, emo
mae before, in front, previously, portionjlpt5
お子さん okosan child (polite)jlpt4
hito man, person, human being, mankindhito, jlpt5
四つ joccu fourjlpt5
四日 jokka fourth day of the month, four daysjlpt5, toki
一月 hitocuki one monthjlpt5, toki
jama mountain, pile, heap, climax, critical pointjlpt5, shizen
watakuši I (formal), myself, private affairsjlpt5
やる気 jaruki willingness (e.g. to do something)/eagerness/motivation/inspiration/determination/high aspirationsjlpt3
女っぽい onnappoi womanly, feminine, womanish, effeminateadj
二日 fucuka second day of the month, two daysjlpt5, toki
一気 ikki (abbr) drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer)mix
二十日 hacuka twenty days, twentieth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
名人 meidžin master, expertmix