Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
退ける しりぞける to repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the way; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the wayichidan, verb, vtrans
Abych tě lépe slyšela, odpověděl vlk.akazukinchan
白夜 びゃくや bílé (polární) nocileda1, shizen
Na sobě má černou košili a bílé tričko.byousha1
黒い くろい blackadj, iro
とり bird, fowl, poultrydoubutsu, jlpt5, leda1
かしら (1)head/ (2)top/ (3)hair (on one's head)/ (4)top structural component of a kanji/(P) leda1
した under, belowjlpt5
Nemusíš (to) poslouchat.mix
住む すむ to live (of humans)/to reside/to inhabit/to dwell/to abide/(P)godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans