Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
黒熊 kurokuma black beardoubutsu
tori bird, fowl, poultrydoubutsu, jlpt5, leda1
聞かなくてもいいです。 kikanakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš (to) poslouchat.mix
ie house, homejlpt5, uchi
明らかな akirakana jasný, zřejmý, zřetelnýleda1
退ける shirizokeru to repel, to drive away, to repulse, to reject; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the way; to remove, to take away, to dislodge, to put something out of the wayichidan, verb, vtrans
明かり akari světlo, lampaleda1
白熊 shirokuma lední medvěddoubutsu, leda1
白星 shiroboshi (1)white circle/white star/ (2)victory mark (sumo)/(P) leda1
~頭 tou numerativ pro velká zvířatacounter, leda1