Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
定数 ていすう constantmath
変数 へんすう variable (e.g. math), parametermix
交わる まじわる (1)to cross, to intersect, to join, to meet, (2)to associate with, to mingle with, to consort with, (3)to have a sexual relationship, to copulate godan, verb, vintrans
無くす なくす to lose something, to get rid ofgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
鳴戸 なると maelstrom, vírtenki
かたち form, shapejlpt4, math
けつ decision/vote/(P)mix
きし bank, coast, shoremix
~羽 ば、わ counter for birds and rabbitscounter, leda1
競争 きょうそう competejlpt3, jlpt4, sport
丸い まるい round, circular, sphericaladj, jlpt5, leda1
さら dish, plateleda1, ryouri
取得 しゅとく acquisition; (n) worth, redeeming feature, merit, gain, profitsuru
弓形 ゆみがた obloukleda1
くも cloudjlpt4, tenki
落ちる おちる to fall, to drop, to come to downichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
席次 せきじ zasedací pořádekmix
ぞう elephantdoubutsu
歯石 しせき dental calculus (calcified deposits that accumulate on the teeth), tartar (of the teeth)mix
お化け おばけ strašidlokami, leda1
観察 かんさつ observation, surveysuru
むかし old time, before, agojlpt4, toki
仲直り なかなおり reconciliation/make peace withleda1, suru
Opak plusu je mínus.mix
梅酒 うめしゅ plum wineryouri
プラス記号 プラスきごう positive signmath
散る ちる (1)to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves), (2)to scatter, to be dispersed, (3)to disappear, to dissolve, to break up, (4)to spread, to run, to blur, (5)to die a noble death godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
悲鳴 ひめい shriek, screamsuru
酒類 しゅるい alcoholic drinks, liquorall, baka