Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
初め hadžime beginningmix
直ぐ sugu soonjlpt3, toki
念願 nengan one's heart's desire, earnest petitionsuru
改める aratameru (1)to change, to alter, to revise, to replace, (2)to reform, to correct, to mend, to improve, (3)to examine, to check, to inspect, (4)to do properly, to do formally ichidan, verb, vtrans
寺にお参りします。 tera ni omairi šimasu. Jít do chrámu.mix
観念 kannen (1)idea, notion, conception, (2)sense (e.g. of duty), (3)resignation, preparedness, acceptance, (4)(Buddh) observation and contemplation suru
種類 šurui (1)variety, kind, type, category, (ctr) (2)counter for different sorts of things jlpt3, mix
表記 hjouki writing (something), giving an address, declaration, inscribing on the face of, publishing (info), listing (prices), addressing (a package)suru
abura oilryouri
表面的 hjoumenteki on the surfacemix
辞める jameru to resign, to retire, to quit, to leave (one's job, etc.)ichidan, verb, vtrans
ha toothhito, jlpt5
tama ballleda1
無くなる nakunaru be lostgodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
点数 tensuu marks/points/score/runs/number of items/credits/(P)leda1
落選 rakusen election loss, rejectionsuru
minato seaport, harborjlpt4, ryokou
鼻がでる hana ga deru runny nosebyouki
失敗 šippai failure, failjlpt3
兵器 heiki arms, weapons, ordnancesensou
器具 kigu utensil, apparatus, implement, device, gadgetuchi
向ける mukeru to turn towards/to point/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
投票 touhjou voting, pollseiji, suru
貯まる tamaru to be saved up (e.g. money)godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
秒速 bjousoku per second
消毒 šoudoku disinfection, sterilization, sterilisationsuru
望み nozomi (1)wish, desire, hope, (2)prospect, expectation, (one's) hopes mix
失神 šitšin faint/trance/swoon/stupefactionleda1, suru
取調べ toriširabe investigation (e.g. by police or prosecutors), examination, inquiry, enquirymix
散る čiru (1)to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves), (2)to scatter, to be dispersed, (3)to disappear, to dissolve, to break up, (4)to spread, to run, to blur, (5)to die a noble death godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans