Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji だんずる (1)to talk, to discuss, to debate, (2)to negotiate
kanji ころす to kill
kanji あらためる (1)to change, to alter, to revise, to replace, (2)to reform, to correct, to mend, to improve, (3)to examine, to check, to inspect, (4)to do properly, to do formally
kanji かんぜん(な) dokonalý, perfektní
kanji むぎ wheat, barley, oat (oats)
kanji きゅうこん bulb
kanji たいせん waging war, competition
kanji ばける změnit se, přeměnit se
kanji かう to take turns, to mingle together
kanji けす to erase, to delete, to turn off power
kanji ~しょう Ministerstvo ~
kanji こうばん (1)police box/(n,adj-f) (2)alternation/alternating (e.g. current)/(P)
kanji とくいそうのかじつ passion fruit
kanji あそこのかど を まがり なさい。 Na támhletom rohu zahni.
kanji つぎつぎに one by one, one after another, successively
kanji しゅるい (1)variety, kind, type, category, (ctr) (2)counter for different sorts of things
kanji へいし soldier
kanji さち (1)good luck, fortune, happiness, (2)harvest, yield
kanji きみ you
kanji ひとしい equal, similar, like, equivalent
kanji (1)lesson/ (2)section (in an organization)/division/department/(ctr) (3)counter for lessons and chapters (of a book)/(P)
kanji りそく interest (bank)
kanji あそび to play
kanji はて the end, the extremity, the limit, the limits, the result
kanji ほそぼそ (1)poor (living), (2)barely continuing, just scraping along, (adj-f) (3)very narrow