Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji oboeru to remember
kanji nakanaori reconciliation/make peace with
kanji hieru to get cold
kanji asamašii wretched, miserable, shameful, mean, despicable, abject
kanji hjoumen surface
kanji manaita cutting board
kanji heigen plain
kanji sadamaru to become settled, to be fixed
kanji koori (1)district, county, (2)district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the ritsuryo period); (3)district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the ritsuryo period)
kanji jaomote bearing the full brunt of something
kanji kai (1)(uk) Japanese babylon (species of shelled mollusk, Babylonia japonica), Japanese ivory shell, (2)(abbr) spinning top (traditionally made from a Japanese babylon shell)
kanji seki barrier, gate; (hon) (abbr) honorific added to names of makuuchi and juryo division sumo wrestlers
kanji kenzen health, soundness, wholesome
kanji satomija village shrine
kanji gaitou street light
kanji ~ban number, place, turn, ~st, ~nd, ~rd, ~th
kanji judaneru to entrust to, to devote oneself to, to abandon oneself to
kanji oreru to break, snap
kanji heiwa peace/harmony/(P)
kanji kokei solid (body)
kanji sake rice wine
kanji toru (1)to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to choose/ (2)to steal/ (3)to eat/to have (a meal)/ (4)to remove (one's glasses, etc.)/ (5)to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.)/to play/(P)
kanji mago grandchild
kanji šidai (1)dependent upon, (2)as soon as, immediately (upon), (n) (3)circumstances, (4)order, precedence, program, programme, agenda
kanji džunban turn (in line)/order of things/sequential order/(P)