Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji subako nest box, (bee) hive, frame, super
kanji marumeru to make round, to round off, to roll up, to curl up, to seduce, to cajole, to explain away
kanji kecu decision/vote/(P)
kanji tecu iron
kanji kanarazušimo (not) always, (not) necessarily, (not) all, (not) entirely
kanji mainasukigou negative sign
kanji ~sama Mr., Mrs., Miss.
kanji zenšou burned down, entirely destroyed
kanji rakusen election loss, rejection
kanji šidai (1)dependent upon, (2)as soon as, immediately (upon), (n) (3)circumstances, (4)order, precedence, program, programme, agenda
kanji učiiwai (1)gifts for close relatives or friends/ (2)private or family celebration
kanji rekizen evident, plain, distinct, clear
kanji aišiteru. I love you!
kanji kahou sčítání
kanji ba,wa counter for birds and rabbits
kanji širaberu to investigate
kanji kegawa (1)fur, skin, pelt, (2)kanji
kanji ne root
kanji akariwokesu to turn the lights off
kanji jameru to resign, to retire, to quit, to leave (one's job, etc.)
kanji mazaru to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to join
kanji acuju; nettou warmer than usual bath; boiling water
kanji purasu no hantai ha mainasu da. Opak plusu je mínus.
kanji iwašio; gan'en halite, rock salt; halite, rock salt
kanji ~ban number, place, turn, ~st, ~nd, ~rd, ~th