Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
平原 へいげん plainshizen
改組 かいそ reorganization, reorganisationsuru
せき seatjlpt4, ryokou
階級 かいきゅう class, rank, grademix
泳ぐ およぐ to swimgodan, jlpt5, sport, verb, vintrans
いし stonejlpt4, kagaku, leda1, shizen
交流 こうりゅう (1)(cultural) exchange, interchange, interaction, (inter-) mingling, (social, etc.) networking, intercourse, (2)alternating current, AC suru
お祭り おまつり festivaljlpt4
悲観的 ひかんてき pessimisticmix
助かる たすかる to be saved, to be rescued, to survive, to be helpfulgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
位する くらいする to rank, to be ranked, to be locatedsuru
様々な さまざまな variousjlpt3
感想 かんそう impressions, thoughtsjlpt3, suru
照れる てれる to be shy, to feel awkwardichidan, verb, vintrans