Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
冷やす ひやす (1)to cool (from room temperature), to chill, to refrigerate, (2)to calm down, to cool off, to regain one's composure, to relax, (3)to be frightened (at), to be scared (of) godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
必然 ひつぜん inevitable/necessary/(P)adj, leda1
落第 らくだい failure/dropping out of a class/(P)gakkou, leda1
灯り あかり (1)lamp, light denki
念願 ねんがん one's heart's desire, earnest petitionsuru
マーケティング部 マーケティングぶ marketing departmentshigoto
マイナス記号 まいなすきごう negative signmath
象形 しょうけい hieroglyphics, type of character representing picturesmix
プラス記号 プラスきごう positive signmath
静けさ しずけさ stillness/silence/hush/calm/serenity/(P)mix
王様 おうさま kingleda1
お祝い おいわい celebrationjlpt4
さち (1)good luck, fortune, happiness, (2)harvest, yield mix
まき pasture, grazing landmix
ゴミ箱 ごみばこ wastebasketuchi