Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
協定 kjoutei arrangement, pact, agreementsuru
cugi (1)next/following/subsequent/ (2)stage/station/(P) adj, jlpt5, leda1
欠く kaku to lack/to break/to crack/to chip/(P)godan, verb, vtrans
~階 ~kai (first, second, etc.) floor, story, gradejlpt5
流石 sasuga (1)(uk) as one would expect, (2)still, all the same, (3)even... (e.g. "even a genius...") mix
商う akinau (1)to sell, (2)to handle, to trade in godan, verb, vtrans
練る neru (1)to knead, to work over, (2)to polish up (e.g. a plan), (3)to drill, to train godan, verb, vtrans
平ら taira rovinaleda1
宿す jadosu (1)to keep (guest), (2)to conceive, (3)to carry (virus), (4)to entrust godan, verb, vtrans
čou intestinehito
riku landshizen
放流 hourjuu (1)discharge (e.g. of water from a dam), (2)liberation, stocking (e.g. a river with fish) suru
た形 takei přípona "-ta"mix
唱える tonaeru (1)to recite, to chant, (2)to cry, to yell, to shout, (3)to advocate, to advance, to preach, to insist ichidan, verb, vtrans
温める atatameru to warm, to heatwater)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans