Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
何度 なんど how many times?, how often?mix
共に ともに sharing with, participate in, both, alike, together, along with, with, includingsuru
仮病 けびょう feigned illnessbyouki
割合 わりあい percentagejlpt3, math
哀れ あわれ (1)pity, sorrow, grief, misery, compassion, pathos, (adj-na) (2)pitiable, pitiful, pathetic, miserable, (int) (3)alack, alas mix
学芸 がくげい arts and sciences, liberal artsmix
少ない すくない few, a littleleda1
場違い ばちがい out-of-place, inappropriate, sticking out like a sore thumbmix
過渡期 かとき transition periodmix
来訪神 らいほうしん Visiting kamikami
Ovce je zvíře s klidnou povahou.mix
春分の日 しゅんぶんのひ Vernal Equinox Holiday (Mar 20 or 21)toki
死期 しき time of deathleda1
真夜中 まよなか dead of night, midnightjlpt3, toki
表面 ひょうめん surfacejlpt3, math
つぎ (1)next/following/subsequent/ (2)stage/station/(P) adj, jlpt5, leda1
客間 きゃくま přijímací pokoj, salonleda1, uchi
新しい あたらしい newadj, jlpt5, leda1
(1)lesson/ (2)section (in an organization)/division/department/(ctr) (3)counter for lessons and chapters (of a book)/(P) leda1
鉄器時代 てっきじだい Iron Agemix
大きい おおきい big, large, greatadj, jlpt5
道具 どうぐ tooljlpt4, leda1
会長 かいちょう president (of a society)/chairman/(P)shigoto
数理 すうり mathematicsmath
しるし (1)mark, (2)symbol, (3)evidence; mix
Věděl jste cestu hned? Ano, učitel mě tam doprovodil.mix
費用 ひよう cost, expensemix
末項 まっこう the last paragraphmix
好み このみ liking, taste, choicemix