Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
舞台 butai pódiumjlpt3, leda1
有休 juukjuu (abbr) vacation, (paid) holidaymix
uči home (one's own), insidejlpt5, uchi
umi sea, beachjlpt5, leda1, shizen
ana (1)hole, (2)deficit, shortage, missing person (in a team, meeting, etc.), (3)vacancy, opening, (4)flaw, (5)profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others, (6)upset victory (with a lar mix
上着 uwagi coat, tunic, jacket, outer garmentfuku, jlpt5, leda1
名聞 meibun reputationmix
行かなくてもいいです。 ikanakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš (tam) jít.mix
日本電信電話株式会社 nippondenšindenwakabušikigaiša Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, NTTnamae
始める hadžimeru to beginichidan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
右回り migimawari otáčející se dopravaleda1
会議の資料を準備しました。 kaigi no širjou wo džunbi šimašita. Připravil jsem si materiály na poradu.mix
銀山 ginzan silver minemix
映画館 eigakan movie theatre (theater), cinemajlpt5, mise
生活する seikacusuru livejlpt4
飛行機 hikouki aeroplanejlpt5, ryokou
士族 šizoku family or person with samurai ancestorsmix
面白い omoširoi interestingadj, leda1
人道 džindou lidskostleda1
周章 šuušou agitation, frustrationsuru
は虫類 hačuurui reptiledoubutsu
電機 denki appliancesdenki
火山性 kazansei volcanicshizen
公平 kouhei nezaujatostleda1
結婚生活 kekkonseikacu wedded life, married lifemix
肉しか食べない。 niku šika tabenai. Jím pouze maso.ryouri
使える cukaeru to be useful/to be serviceableichidan, leda1, verb
女性 džosei womanhito, jlpt3, jlpt4, leda1
放校 houkou expulsion from schoolsuru
通院 cuuin commuting to hospitalmix