Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji おんせん spa
kanji しゃみせん three-stringed Japanese guitar, shamisen
kanji めぐる (1)to go around, (2)to return, (3)to surround, (4)to concern (usu. of disputes)
kanji えんこう halo
kanji ぎんが galaxie, Mléčná dráha
kanji ほのお -itis (indicating an inflammatory disease); flame, blaze; flame, blaze
kanji さいぶ details
kanji めもと eyes, skin round one's eyes
kanji こうま foal
kanji ふじゆう (1)discomfort, inconvenience, (2)poverty, want, destitution, (3)disability, impairment (physical, mental, etc.)
kanji そなえる (1)to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install, (2)to have ready, to prepare for, (3)to possess, to have, to be endowed with, to be armed with
kanji しじょう trh (zahraniční), odbytiště
kanji あける skončit (období dešťů), začít (nový rok), svítat
kanji みかづき new moon, crescent moon
kanji うんどう exercise, sport
kanji よっつ four
kanji にくたい the body/the flesh/(P)
kanji しゅうし (1)beginning and end/from beginning to end/doing a thing from beginning to end/(adv) (2)consistently/the whole time/(P)
kanji いがくぶ medical faculty
kanji ほうち する nechat být, zanechat
kanji にゅうもん úvod (do studia)
kanji 生せいかつをつめる anglicky
kanji さむくなりましたね。 To se nám ale ochladilo, co?
kanji どう copper
kanji あなた と は くち も ききたくない の。 I don't want to hear another word out of you.