Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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頭痛薬 zutsuuyaku léky na bolest hlavymix
行い okonai čin, chováníleda1
夜行バス yakoubasu noční autobusleda1
歯車 haguruma ozubené kololeda1
行動 koudou chování, jednáníleda1
足音 ashioto kroky, zvuk krokůleda1
来たる kitaru příští, nadcházejícíleda1
音色 neiro barva tónuleda1, ongaku
来たす kitasu zapříčinit, přivodit (újmu)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
姉妹 shimai sestry (starší a mladší)kazoku, leda1
行き来 ikiki odchod a příchod, udržování kontaktůleda1
電気のもの denki no mono elektrická věcdenki
雪国 yukiguni Sněhová země (název románu)leda1, namae
学ぶ manabu učit segakkou, godan, leda1, verb
南国 nangoku jižní zeměleda1, ryokou
校歌 kouka školní hymnagakkou, leda1
自ら mazukara sám za sebe, osobněleda1
saki hrot, špička, budoucnostleda1
taka výše (ceny apod.)leda1
先(の) saki(no) přední, dřívější, nedávnýleda1
東風 higashikaze východní vítrleda1
高まる takamaru zvyšovat se, růstgodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
先(に) saki(ni) předem, napředleda1
高める takameru zvýšitichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
風車 fuusha větrný mlýnleda1
高音 kouon vysoký tónleda1
自動ドア jidou doa automatické dveředenki
最高の saikouno prvotřídní, nejvyššíleda1
全く mattaku úplně, zcelajlpt3, leda1
全国 zenkoku celá zeměleda1
春風 harukaze jarní vítrleda1, shizen, tenki
春先 harusaki začátek jaraleda1, toki
~頭 tou numerativ pro velká zvířatacounter, leda1
新春 shinshun nový rokleda1
長男 chounan nejstarší synkazoku
夏ばて natsubate letní únava, malátnost (z horka)leda1
耳たぶ mimitabu ušní lalůčekhito, leda1
秋風 akikaze podzimní vítrleda1, shizen
急ぎ足 isogiashi rychlá chůzeleda1
話し声 hanashigoe hlas (hovořící)leda1
遠足 ensoku výletleda1, ryokou
朝顔 asagao svlačecleda1
番する bansuru hlídat, mít hlídkuleda1
名物 meibutsu známý produkt, místní specialitaleda1
糸車 itoguruma kolovrátekleda1
森林 shinrin les (rozsáhlejší)leda1, shizen
ji hodinaleda1, toki
toki čas, obdobíleda1, toki
同時 douji současně, ve stejnou dobujlpt3, leda1, toki
新年 shinnen nový rokleda1, toki
後書き atogaki doslovleda1
お前 omae tyleda1
前書き maegaki předmluvaleda1
新たに aratani nověleda1
honoo -itis (indicating an inflammatory disease); flame, blaze; flame, blazemix
お願い onegai (1)(hon) request, wish, (int) (2)(abbr) please suru
何れ izure (1)(uk) where, which, who, (2)anyway, anyhow, at any rate, sooner or later, eventually, at some future date or time; (adv,pn,adj-no) (3)(uk) where, which, who, (4)anyway, anyhow, at any rate, soon mix
自動 jidou (1)automatic, self-motion, (2)(ling) (abbr) intransitive verb jlpt3, mix
紅葉 kouyou (1)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (2)leaves turning red, red leaves; (3)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (n) (4)(Japanese) maple (Acer jap suru
紅葉 momiji (1)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (2)leaves turning red, red leaves; (3)autumn colours, fall colors, leaves changing color (colour), (n) (4)(Japanese) maple (Acer jap suru
行き iki (1)bound for ..., (n) (2)going (to) jlpt3
iki (1)breath/breathing/ (2)tone/mood/(P); (n) (3)breath/breathing/ (4)tone/mood; (n) (5)(hum) son hito
sakura (1)cherry tree, cherry blossom, (2)decoy, fake buyer, shill, (3)hired applauder, (4)(col) horse meat shokubutsu
回り mawari (1)circumference, perimeter, edge, (2)surroundings, locality, neighborhood, (3)rotation, circulation jlpt3
顔色 kaoiro; ganshoku (1)complexion, one's colour, one's color, (2)countenance, expression, one's face; (3)complexion, one's colour, one's color, (4)countenance, expression, one's face mix
rei (1)custom, practice, habit, usual, (2)instance, example, case, illustration, usage, (3)precedent; (4)custom, practice, habit, usual, (5)said, aforementioned, (6)instance, example, case, illustra mix
名所 nadokoro; meisho (1)famous place, (2)name of a part (of an instrument, etc.), (3)name and address; (4)famous place mix
前後 zengo (1)front and rear, front and back, before and behind, (2)before and after, (3)order, context, (4)consequences, (n,vs) (5)inversion, reversion, getting out of order, (6)co-occurring, (n-suf,n) (7 mix
うま味 umami (1)good flavor (flavour), good taste, deliciousness, (2)umami (fifth category of taste, corresponding to the flavour of glutamates), (3)skill, (4)profit mix
kashira (1)head/ (2)top/ (3)hair (on one's head)/ (4)top structural component of a kanji/(P) leda1
足りない tarinai (1)insufficient/not enough/lacking/ (2)dim-witted/slow/one brick short of a full load adj
風物 fuubutsu (1)natural features, scenery, (2)things particular to a certain region or season, characteristic scenery and customs, scenes and manners mix
hari (1)needle, pin, (2)hook, (3)stinger, thorn, (4)hand (e.g. clock, etc.), pointer, (5)staple (for a stapler), (6)needlework, sewing, (7)malice, (ctr,n-suf) (8)counter for stitches mix
新た arata (1)new, fresh, novel, (adv) (2)newly, freshly, re- mix
ban (1)number (in a series), (2)(one's) turn, (3)watch, guard, lookout, (4)bout, match (sumo) jlpt3
hime (1)princess, young lady of noble birth, (n-suf,n) (2)girl, (pref) (3)small & lovely mix
急に kyuuni (1)swiftly, rapidly, (2)suddenly, abruptly, immediately jlpt3, mix
年頭 nentou (1)the oldest person/ (2)beginning of the year/(P) leda1
足りる tariru (1)to be sufficient/to be enough/ (2)to be worth doing/to be worthy/ (3)to be sufficient/to answer/to do/(P) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
願う negau (1)to desire, to wish, to hope, (2)to beg, to request, to implore, to pray, (aux-v) (3)to have something done for oneself godan, verb, vtrans
見つける mitsukeru (1)to discover, to find (e.g. an error in a book), to come across, to detect, to spot, (2)to locate, to find (e.g. something missing), to find fault, (3)to be used to seeing, to be familiar with ichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
動かす ugokasu (1)to move, to shift, to operate, to set in motion, to mobilize, to mobilise, (2)to inspire, to rouse, to move (e.g. feeling), to influence, (3)to deny, to change godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
響く hibiku (1)to resound, to be heard far away, (2)to reverberate, to shake, to vibrate, (3)to come (home), to remain (with someone), (4)to have an effect, to make an impression godan, verb, vintrans
回る mawaru (1)to turn/to revolve/ (2)to visit several places/ (3)to function well/ (4)to pass a certain time/(P) godan, verb, vintrans
回す mawasu (1)to turn/to rotate/to gyrate/ (2)to circulate/to send around/ (3)to surround/ (4)to put something to a new use (e.g. leftovers)/(suf,v5s) (5)(after the -masu stem of a verb) ... around (i.e. to ch godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
色々 iroiro (1)various, (2)(arch) various colors (colours) mix
風車 kazaguruma (1)windmill/pinwheel/ (2)leather flower/Clematis patens leda1
残高 zandaka (bank) balance, remaindermix
電車 densha (electric) trainjlpt5, leda1, ryokou
~回 ~kai (first, second, etc.) time, roundjlpt5
姫君 himegimi (hon) daughter of a person of high rank (i.e. a king, noble, aristocrat, etc.)mix
お姉さん oneesan (honorable) older sisterjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
言語学者 gengogakusha (ling) linguistbunpou
so (1)parent, parents, (2)dealer (in cards), (3)founder, (4)(pet) owner; ancestor, forefather, progenitor mix
何時までも itsumademo (uk) forever, for good, eternally, as long as one likes, indefinitely, no matter whatmix
嫌らしい iyarashii (uk) unpleasant, disgusting, repulsive, detestable, disagreeable, indecent, lewd, dirty, lasciviousadj
風邪 kaze a coldbyouki, jlpt5
エー足す1はビー e-tasu1habi- A+1=Bmath
エー足す1エコールビー e-tasu1eko-rubi- A+1=Bmath
エー足すビー e-tasubi- A+Bmath
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