Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji nikusei natural voice (without a microphone)/(P)
kanji jakumi condiment (e.g. grated or chopped topping such as daikon, wasabi, ginger, green onion, red pepper), spice
kanji nekokaburi feigned innocence or naivete, beguiling innocence, wolf in sheep's clothing
kanji ato afterwards, since then, in the future
kanji kisoku breathing, breath
kanji kagami mirror
kanji tarinai (1)insufficient/not enough/lacking/ (2)dim-witted/slow/one brick short of a full load
kanji maegami forelock, bangs
kanji takuši- de ikereba jokatta. Měl jsem (radši) jet taxíkem.
kanji namae name
kanji mattaku úplně, zcela
kanji sentou head/lead/vanguard/first/(P)
kanji šinnen'omedetou Happy New Year
kanji miseru to show
kanji kaoiro; ganšoku (1)complexion, one's colour, one's color, (2)countenance, expression, one's face; (3)complexion, one's colour, one's color, (4)countenance, expression, one's face
kanji kounen light year
kanji kenbucusuru to sightsee
kanji e-tasubi- A+B
kanji toomawari detour/roundabout way
kanji miru to see, to watch
kanji orendžiirono orange
kanji tanošii enjoyable, fun, happy
kanji kowadaka with a loud voice
kanji atogaki doslov
kanji ekičou station master (rail)