Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
chichi fatherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
南西 nansei southwest; southwestmix
haha motherjlpt3, jlpt5, kazoku, leda1
一言 hitokoto one word, pair of words (short intercession)leda1
気力 kiryoku willpower, energy, vitalitymix
女っぽい onnappoi womanly, feminine, womanish, effeminateadj
耳にする miminisuru to hear, to hear by chance, to hear by accident, to catch (the sound)suru
わざと言わない。 wazato iwa nai. Naschvál to neřeknu.mix
hachi eightjlpt5
むしゃむしゃ食べる mushamushataberu křoupavě jístryouri