Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
大きくなれば、先生になります。 ookiku nareba,sensei ni narimasu. Až vyrostu, stanu se učitelem.mix
分ける wakeru to divide/to separate/to make distinctions/to differentiate (between)/(P)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
言外 gengai unexpressed, implied, implicitmix
širo (1)substitution, (2)material, (3)price, (4)margin (e.g. for stapling, etc.), area required for something, (5)(arch) shiro (unit of land area equal to one-fiftieth of a tan; ~19.83 m.sq.); (6)cha mix
村外れ murahazure edge of town/outskirts of a villageleda1
氷山 hjouzan ice bergleda1, shizen, tenki
青い月 aoicuki bledý měsícleda1, shizen
水分 suibun vláha, tekutina, vlhkost, šťávaleda1
山を上る。 jama wo noboru. Vystoupat na horu.mix
本日 hondžicu todayjlpt3, leda1, toki
門下生 monkasei žák, student, učedník (něčí)leda1
hou způsobleda1
学年 gakunen grade (academic year)gakkou, leda1
右左 migihidari vpravo a vlevoleda1
白バイ širobai police motorcycleryokou