Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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とり肉 toriniku chicken meatjlpt5, ryouri
重臣 džuušin chief vassal, senior statesmanmix
主な omona chief, main, principal, importantmix
ko childhito, jlpt4
お子さん okosan child (polite)jlpt4
子供 kodomo child, childrenhito, jlpt5, kazoku, leda1
育児 ikudži childcare, nursing, upbringingsuru
童歌 warabeuta children's (folk) songongaku
子供の日 kodomonohi Children's Day (national holiday; May 5th)namae, toki
寒気 samuke chillbyouki
中国 čuugoku chinanamae
漢字 kandži Chinese charactersbunpou, jlpt5, leda1
中国人 čuugokudžin chinese personmix
音読み on'jomi chinese reading of the characterleda1
伝票 denpjou chit, sales slip, vouchermix
葉緑体 jourjokutai chloroplastmix
キリスト教 kirisutokjou Christianitykami
キリスト教徒 kirisutokjouto Christiansmix
教会 kjoukai churchjlpt4, kami
教会堂 kjoukaidou church, chapelsuru
en circlemath
maru circlemix
血行 kekkou circulation (of the blood)leda1
円周 enšuu circumferencemix
事情 džidžou circumstances, consideration, conditions, situation, reasonsmix
巻積雲 kensekiun cirrocumulustenki
市町村 šičouson cities, towns and villages, municipalitiesmix
市民 šimin citizenjlpt4, leda1
住民 džuumin citizens/inhabitants/residents/population/(P)leda1
かんきつ類 kankicurui citrusshokubutsu
ši cityjlpt4
都会 tokai city/(P)adj, leda1
私服 šifuku civilian clothes, plain clothesfuku
愛想 aiso civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces; civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, gracesmix
氏族 šizoku clan, familymix
身分制度 mibunseido class systemmix
階級 kaikjuu class, rank, grademix
体術 taidžucu classical form of martial artmix
クラシック音楽 kurašikkuongaku classical musicongaku
種類別 šuruibecu classificationmix
分類 bunrui classification, categorization, sortingsuru
同級生 doukjuusei classmategakkou
教室 kjoušicu classroomgakkou, jlpt5
きれい好きな kireizukina clean (person)adj
掃除 soudži cleaningmix
クリーニング屋 kuri-ningu ja cleaning shopmise
明らかな akirakana clearadj
清流 seirjuu clear streammix
晴れ hare clear weathertenki
事務員 džimuin clerkshigoto
利口な rikouna cleveradj
頭がいい atamagaii cleveradj
気候 kikou climatetenki
登頂 toučou climbing to the summitsuru
置き時計 okidokei clock to be placed on tables, bookshelves, etc. (as opposed to a watch)mix
親友 šin'juu close friend/bosom (old, intimate) friend/buddy/crony/chum/(P)leda1
仲が良い nakagajoi close, intimate, on good terms; close, intimate, on good termsmix
仲がいい nakagaii close/intimate/on good termsleda1
閉曲線 heikjokusen closed curvemath
閉集合 heišuugou closed setmath
押入れ ošiire closetuchi
押し入れ ošiire closetjlpt4, uchi
閉店 heiten closing shopsuru
閉会 heikai closure (of a ceremony, event, meeting, etc.)suru
fuku clothesfuku, jlpt5
産着 ubugi clothes for a newborn baby, baby clothesmix
kumo cloudjlpt4, tenki
丁子 čoudži clovemix
~会 ~kai clubjlpt4
部活 bukacu club activitiesmix
クラブ活動 kurabukacudou club activitygakkou
石炭 sekitan coalkagaku
海岸線 kaigansen coastlineshizen
上着 uwagi coat, tunic, jacket, outer garmentfuku, jlpt5, leda1
暗号 angou code/password/cipher/(P)adj, leda1
共存 kjouzon coexistence; coexistencesuru
同時に doudžini coincident with, while, simultaneouslyjlpt3
お冷 ohija cold (drinking) water, cold boiled riceryouri
寒い samui cold (e.g. weather)jlpt5, tenki
冷たい cumetai cold (to the touch), chilly, icy, freezing, coldheartedadj, emo, jlpt5
寒流 kanrjuu cold currentmix
冷血な reikecuna cold heartedadj, emo
連中 rendžuu; renčuu colleagues, company, a lot, those guys (slightly impolite); colleagues, company, a lot, those guys (slightly impolite)mix
取材 šuzai collecting data (e.g. for a newspaper article)/covering an event/(P)leda1, suru
句集 kušuu collection of haiku poemsmix
回収する kaišuusuru collection/recovery/withdrawal/retrieval/(P)leda1, suru, verb
大腸 daičou colonhito
iro coloriro, jlpt5
無色 mušoku colourless, colorless, achromaticiro
組み合わせ kumiawase combinationmix
お笑い芸人 owaraigeinin comedian (esp. of traditional Japanese comedy)mix
住み心地 sumigokoči comfort (in living place)/(P)leda1
raku comfort, easemix
楽な rakuna comfort/ease/(P)adj, jlpt3
成人式 seidžinšiki coming-of-age ceremonynamae
成年式 seinenšiki coming-of-age ceremonynamae
読点 touten comma (ling) bunpou, leda1
司令 širei command, control, commandersuru
隊長 taičou commanding officersensou
記念 kinen commemoration, memorysuru
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