Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
~家 ~ka the familyjlpt4, kazoku
野犬 jaken stray dogdoubutsu
rjou (1)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon), (2)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology); (3)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon), (4)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology), (3 mix
恐る恐る osoruosoru timidlymix
umi sea, beachjlpt5, leda1, shizen
歯ブラシ haburaši toothbrushuchi
buta pigdoubutsu
海豚 iruka dolphindoubutsu
雄牛 ouši bulldoubutsu
tagui (1)kind, sort, type, (2)equal, match, peer; kind, sort, class, family, genus mix