Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
高知県 kouchiken Kouchi (Kochi) prefecture (Shikoku)namae
一連 ichiren (1)series, chain, sequence, (n) (2)two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper), (3)verse, stanza mix
立ち止まる tachidomaru zastavit se (náhle)godan, leda1, verb
正面 shoumen průčelíleda1
借家 shakuya house for rent, rented house, renting a house; house for rent, rented house, renting a house; house for rent, rented house, renting a house; house for rent, rented house, renting a housesuru
二次会 nijikai first after partybaka
空前 kuuzen unprecedented, record-breakingmix
働き者 hatarakimono hard worker, hardworking personmix
月末 getsumatsu end of the month; end of the monthmix
悪夢 akumu nightmare, bad dreammix
温める atatameru to warm, to heatwater)ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
当選 tousen vítězství ve volbáchleda1
好き(な) suki(na) liking/fondness/love/(P)adj, leda1
畑作 hatasaku dry field farming, dry field cropsuru
発効 hakkou coming into effectsuru
テレビを見て、時計の時間を合わせた。 terebi wo mite,tokei no jikan wo awaseta. Srovnal jsem čas na hodinkách podle televize.mix
画数 kakusuu stroke countbunpou
お兄さん oniisan (honorable) older brotherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
iro coloriro, jlpt5
上半期 kamihanki první pololetíleda1
皆様 minasama everyonemix
大変お世話になりありがとうございました。 taihen osewa ni nari arigatou gozaimashita. Thank you for all your hard work.kaiwa
非公式 hikoushiki informalmix
先頭 sentou head/lead/vanguard/first/(P)leda1
心配 shinpai starostleda1
大皿 oozara large plate/platterleda1
別れ wakare parting/separation/farewell/(lateral) branch/fork/offshoot/division/section/(P)jlpt3
過渡期 katoki transition periodmix
論議 rongi discussion, argument, debatesuru