Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji fukeiki business recession, hard times, depression, gloom, sullenness, cheerlessness
kanji šiin (ling) consonant
kanji jodžinoboru to climb, to clamber (over, up), to scramble (up), to scale, to claw one's way up
kanji šindžin (1)new face/newcomer/ (2)modern humans (from Cro-Magnon man onwards)/(P)
kanji kenkjuuša researcher
kanji šokuzen před jídlem
kanji undousuru to take exercise
kanji hondai money for books
kanji tekitou na (1)suitable, proper, appropriate, adequate, fit, (2)noncommittal, vague, equivocal, unserious, irresponsible
kanji hensecu change of opinion
kanji ongakuho-ru music hall
kanji kanzenšugi perfectionism
kanji hajai early
kanji kagaikacudou extracurricular activities
kanji gogaku language study
kanji sandžou mountain top
kanji torikomu to take in, to capture (e.g. image), to introduce, to be busy, to adopt (e.g. behavior)
kanji harappa open field/empty lot/plain/(P)
kanji hikidasu to withdraw
kanji korai from time immemorial, ancient, time-honoured, time-honored
kanji minna kara hanarenaide . Neodděluj se od ostatních.
kanji heišuugou closed set
kanji tasu add
kanji untensuru to drive
kanji hanmen on the other hand/(P)