Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
議院 ぎいん congress or parliamentseiji
実効 じっこう practical effect, efficacy, efficiencymix
Až bude 10 hodin, půjdeme.mix
州立大学 しゅうりつだいがく state-run college, state universitymix
安っぽい やすっぽい cheap (quality)adj
引く ひく minus, to pull, to draw, to play (string instr.)godan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans, vtrans
くみ (1)set (of items)/ (2)group (of people)/class (of students)/company (esp. construction)/family (i.e. mafia)/team/ (3)typesetting/composition/(P) leda1
目次 もくじ obsah (knihy)leda1
全力 ぜんりょく všechna síla, všechna energieleda1
あたい (1)price, cost, (2)value, worth, merit, (3)(comp) variable (computer programming, programing), (4)(math) value, count, number, (vs) (5)to have value, to have merit mix
女神 めがみ goddesskami, leda1
汚名 おめい stigma, dishonour, dishonor, infamymix
真中 まんなか uprostřed, prostředekleda1
守り まもり (1)protection/defense/defence/ (2)providence/ (3)(abbr) amulet/charm/talisman/(P) leda1
農作物 のうさくぶつ crops, agricultural producemix