Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
問い合わせる といあわせる to enquire, to inquire, to seek informationichidan, verb
卒業式 そつぎょうしき graduationgakkou
退院 たいいん leave hospitalbyouki
深める ふかめる to deepen, to heighten, to intensifyichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
分母 ぶんぼ the denominatormath
雪を丸める ゆきをまるめる to make a snowballichidan, verb
内気な うちきな introvertadj, emo
泳ぐ およぐ to swimgodan, jlpt5, sport, verb, vintrans
Jaký nápoj Češi nejvíce pijí?mix
(num) fivejlpt5