Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
集める あつめる to get (things) togetherichidan, jlpt4, verb, vtrans
学位 がくい (university) degreemix
音楽家 おんがくか musicianongaku, shigoto
はら field/plain/prairie/tundra/moor/wilderness/(P)leda1
終着駅 しゅうちゃくえき terminal station/(P)leda1
目薬 めぐすり eye dropsbyouki
Nechal byste mě vzít si sedm až deset dní dovolenou?shigoto
子午前 しごぜん poledníkleda1
寝過ごす ねすごす to oversleepgodan, verb
実際 じっさい (1)practicality, practical, (2)reality, actuality, actual conditions, (3)(Buddh) bhutakoti (limit of reality) mix