Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
水源 すいげん source of river, fountainheadmix
贈る おくる to send, to give to, to award to, to confer ongodan, verb, vtrans
好み このみ liking, taste, choicemix
注ぐ そそぐ (1)to pour (into), to fill, (2)to sprinkle on from above, to shed (e.g. tears), (3)to concentrate one's spirit or strength on, (v5g,vi) (4)to fall onto (of rain, snow); (uk) (usu. written as kana godan, verb, vtrans
たち pluralizing suffix (esp. for people & animals; formerly honorific)mix
出国 しゅっこく; しゅつごく departure from a country; (n,vs) departure from a countrysuru
Tamten člověk je ukecaný.mix
Až se vrátíte, mohl byste mi zavolat?mix
大金 たいきん large amount of money, great costmix
高める たかめる zvýšitichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
しゅう weektoki
諭す さとす to admonish, to persuade, to warn, to remonstrategodan, verb, vtrans
明るい あかるい brightadj, leda1
軟らかな やわらかな měkký, neformálníadj
帽子 ぼうし hatfuku, jlpt3, jlpt5, leda1
安全 あんぜん safetyjlpt4, leda1
新鮮 しんせん freshjlpt3
Vystoupat na horu.mix
北朝鮮 きたちょうせん North Koreamix
休み やすみ rest, recess, respite, vacation, holiday, absence, suspensionjlpt5
小さな ちいさな smalladj, jlpt4
夕日 ゆうひ noci a dnyleda1, toki
月光 げっこう měsíční zářeleda1
せん stopper, cork, stopcockmix
辺り あたり (1)(uk) on the bank of, by the side of (e.g. a river, pond), (2)(in the) neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, nearby jlpt3
見える みえる to be seen, to appearichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
白ワイン しろワイン white wineryouri
How is the weather? tenki
木刀 ぼくとう wooden swordleda1, sensou