Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
運び屋 はこびや courier, smuggler, carrier (e.g. of illegal drugs), traffickermix
(1)parent, parents, (2)dealer (in cards), (3)founder, (4)(pet) owner; ancestor, forefather, progenitor mix
おん favour, favor, obligation, debt of gratitudemix
背く そむく to run counter to, to go against, to disobey, to infringegodan, verb, vintrans
音素 おんそ (ling) phonemebunpou
徹する てっする to sink in, to penetrate, to devote oneself, to believe in, to go through, to do intently and exclusivelysuru
Evropani by se mohli trochu stydět, protože se tam nesmí nosit plavky.onsen
いずみ springshizen
得点 とくてん score, points made, marks obtained, runssuru
向かい むかい facing/opposite/across the street/other side/(P)jlpt3
話し方 はなしかた způsob mluveníleda1
2と3分の2 にとさんぶんのに 2 2/3 (two and two thirds)math
歓迎 かんげい welcome, receptionsuru
女の子 おんなのこ girlhito, jlpt5
ただ onlyjlpt3
死亡 しぼう (1)death, mortality, (vs) (2)to die, to pass away jlpt3
古本屋 ふるほんや antikvariátleda1
進歩 しんぽ pokrokjlpt3, leda1
研修 けんしゅう training (esp. in-service), induction coursesuru
試みる こころみる to try, to testichidan, verb, vtrans
戦い たたかい battle, fight, struggle, conflictsensou
~分 ~ふん counter for minutesjlpt5, toki
書類 しょるい documentsgakkou, jlpt3, leda1
慣らす ならす to accustomgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
若しかすると もしかすると (uk) perhaps/maybe/by some chance/(P)jlpt3
午前中 ごぜんちゅう in the morningtoki
方法 ほうほう metoda, způsobjlpt3, leda1
舞う まう (1)to dance (orig. a whirling dance), (2)to flutter about, to revolve godan, verb, vintrans
考古学者 こうこがくしゃ archeologist, archaeologistshigoto
時雨 しぐれ drizzle, shower in late autumn (fall) or early wintermix