Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
分母 bunbo the denominatormath
以上です。 idžoudesu. This is all.mix
夜景 jakei night viewmix
ビールはアルコールを含んでいます。 bi-ru ha aruko-ru wo fukundeimasu. Pivo obsahuje alkohol.mix
禁煙 kin'en (1)No Smoking!, Smoking Prohibited!, (n,vs) (2)abstaining from smoking, quitting smoking jlpt3
快適 kaiteki pleasant, agreeable, comfortablemix
音韻学 on'ingaku (ling) phonetics, phonologybunpou
火山は危ないです。 kazan ha abunai desu. Sopky jsou nebezpečné.shizen
招く maneku to invitegodan, verb, vtrans
大流行 dairjuukou extremely popular/extremely common/widespread contagionmix
kawa riverjlpt5, shizen
čou intestinehito
悪天 akuten bad weathertenki
広まる hiromaru šířit se, rozšířit segodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
六角形 rokkakkei hexagonmath