Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
~語 ~ご languagejlpt5
返事 へんじ replyjlpt4, leda1
大風 おおかぜ gale, strong windsmix
蘭学 らんがく Dutch studies, studies of Western knowledgemix
置き時計 おきどけい clock to be placed on tables, bookshelves, etc. (as opposed to a watch)mix
法律 ほうりつ lawjlpt4
微笑む ほほえむ to smilegodan, verb, vintrans
蒸し暑い むしあつい humid/sultry/(P)adj, jlpt3
適える かなえる (1)to grant (request, wish)/to answer (prayer)/ (2)to fulfill (conditions)/to meet (requirements) ichidan, verb