Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
飲食 inšoku food and drink/eating and drinking/(P)leda1, suru
優れる sugureru to surpass, to outstrip, to excelichidan, verb, vintrans
ten point, mark, gradejlpt4, leda1, math
ai loveai, jlpt3
最大公約数 saidaikoujakusuu the highest common factormath
軍役 gun'eki military servicesensou
増税 zouzei tax increasesuru
製糸工場 seišikoudžou továrna na hedvábné nitěleda1
回想 kaisou reflection, reminiscencesuru
取れる toreru (1)to come off/to be removed/ (2)(of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear/ (3)to be caught/to be harvested/ (4)to be interpreted (as)/to be taken as/ (5)(of balance, etc.) to be attained/ (6)to be obtai ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
テレビを見て、時計の時間を合わせた。 terebi wo mite,tokei no džikan wo awaseta. Srovnal jsem čas na hodinkách podle televize.mix
減少 genšou decrease, reduction, declinesuru
歴然 rekizen evident, plain, distinct, clearmix
iči onejlpt5
大小 daišou (1)sizes (various), large and small, (2)daisho (matched pair of long and short swords), (3)large and small drums, (4)long months and short months mix
四本の足がある動物です。 jonhon no aši ga aru doubucu desu. Je to zvíře se čtyřma nohama.doubutsu
温海 acumi warm seamix
島根県 šimaneken Shimane prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
日本語能力試験N5 nihongo nourjoku šiken n5 JLPT N5jlpt5
起きる okiru to get up, to riseichidan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
何色の下着を着けてるかは教えないけど。 naniiro no šitagi wo cuketeru ka ha ošienai kedo. Jakou mám právě barvu spodního prádla ti ale neřeknu.ai, baka
使用中 šijoučuu busy, in the middle (of)mix
広げる hirogeru rozprostřít (látku), roztáhnout (křídla, ruce), rozšířit (území)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
都合 cugou (1)circumstances/condition/convenience/(vs) (2)to arrange/to manage/(P) jlpt4, leda1
特別 tokubecu specialadj, jlpt3, jlpt4
男の子 otokonoko boyhito, jlpt5
一時後 ičidžigo za hodinutoki
動物園 doubucuen zoojlpt4
付け加える cukekuwaeru to add one thing to anotherichidan, verb, vtrans